Unceasingly Pray

Dear saints,

We worship the Lord that He has stirred up so many of you to participate in the present burden for twenty-one days of prayer. Never before have so many across the entire globe joined together in one accord to pray as one man in such a sustained way. We are confident that our ascended Lord hears the church’s prayers and that they will avail much toward the accomplishment of His desire. After further consideration and fellowship, we have decided to ask all the saints to steadfastly continue this prayer for an additional nine days, that is, through April 30.

Our hope is that this month of prayer will not simply be a passing event but will greatly strengthen our personal prayer life and the corporate prayer ministry of the church. Prayer is our greatest work before God, and it is also the greatest threat to God’s enemy. For this reason, Satan seeks to weaken our prayer life and the church’s prayer ministry. Knowing this, the apostle Paul joined perseverance and prayer (Rom. 12:12; Eph. 6:18; Col. 4:2; cf. 1 Thes. 5:17). Consistency and persistence in the face of obstacles are crucial to building up a prayer life and prayer ministry. This is not only the apostle’s teaching; it is also extensively illustrated in the Word of God.

As Joshua led the Israelites into battle against Amalek, Moses stood on a hill with his staff uplifted (Exo. 17:9-10). Verse 11 says, “And when Moses lifted his hand up, Israel prevailed; and when he let his hand down, Amalek prevailed.” Moses lifting up his hand on the mountaintop typifies the ascended Christ interceding in the heavens (Rom. 8:34b; Heb. 7:25; cf. 1 Tim. 2:8), and Joshua typifies Christ as the indwelling Spirit fighting against the flesh, typified by Amalek (Rom. 8:9-11; Gal. 5:16-17). This means that victory in spiritual warfare depends very much on Christ’s intercession. However, verse 12 tells us that Moses’ hands became heavy and in need of support. As one whose hands became heavy, Moses represents not Christ but us, signifying that while Christ is praying in the heavens, we too need to pray on earth (1 Tim. 2:8). A stone, which typifies Christ as our strength and steadiness in prayer, was brought in for Moses to sit on. Moreover, his hands were supported on one side by Aaron, representing the priesthood, and on the other side by Hur, representing the kingship. This means that to persevere in intercessory prayers of warfare, we must be priests who exercise to pray in our spirit, today’s Holy of Holies, and we must be in full submission to the Lord under His authority.

Daniel was a person who, knowing the promise of God regarding Israel’s return from captivity (Jer. 29:10), persevered in prayer for the Lord’s desire (Dan. 9:2-3). He had the habit of praying three times daily (6:10) and would not let anything frustrate his prayer, not even the threat of death (vv. 7-9). Daniel was thus a channel of prayer the Lord could use to carry out His desire. Regarding Daniel chapter 6, Brother Lee said, “God desires to carry out His economy, but man is needed to pray for His economy on earth. God carries out His economy on the earth through His faithful channels of prayer. Satan’s strategy is to frustrate the prayer which is for God’s move…There is no other way to bring God’s economy into fullness and into fulfillment except by prayer” (Life-study of Daniel, p. 45). Daniel’s cooperation with the Lord in prayer afforded the Lord a way to take a great step in His move.

Today the Lord is seeking prayers of dispensational value, prayers that match God’s heart, prayers for the advancement of God’s move, prayers for the preparation of the bride, prayers for the producing of the overcomers as the Lord’s army, prayers for the defeat of God’s enemy, prayers that change the age. The prayers of the saints and of the church are a significant factor in effecting the dispensational change from the present age to the kingdom age (Luke 18:1-8; Rev. 6:9-10; 8:3-5). To persevere in such prayers, we surely need the Lord’s empowering (Eph. 6:10).

Dear saints, the Lord wants to raise up a royal priesthood to join with Him as the ascended Intercessor in His heavenly ministry of intercession. With this in view, we urge you to continue our present round-the-clock global prayer through the end of this month, and we encourage you to invite others to join in this prayer. If you have not already done so, you can visit unceasinglypray.org to sign up for a time slot to pray. May the Lord do what He desires within us, and may our prayers lay the tracks for Him to carry out His heart’s desire on the earth.

Your brothers in Christ,
The co-workers in the Lord’s recovery

A letter of comfort and encouragement to all the saints in the recovery

March 26, 2020
To all the dear saints in all the churches in the Lord’s recovery:

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
Shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword?…
But in all these things we more than conquer through Him who loved us.
— Romans 8:35, 37

Grace and peace be multiplied to you all. May this message find you going on in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. In these difficult days all the churches and the saints across the earth are being carried in our hearts and are borne on our shoulders before the throne of grace. We write to
share with you a word of assurance, comfort, and encouragement as we face the pandemic that is ravaging large parts of the globe and upending many of our lives in an unprecedented way. We are petitioning on your behalf that the Father would strengthen you with power so that you may be firmly
established and unshaken in Him. We are interceding with you that the Lord’s testimony in His recovery would be upheld as we pass through this extraordinary time together.

In the recent feasts we have seen Christ in His all-inclusiveness and all-extensiveness as our God-allotted portion. He is the all-sufficient One who is able to meet our every need in every situation. Such a Christ was enjoyed and ministered by the apostle Paul while he was in prison. Paul’s pattern should be most meaningful to us in our situation today. The more restricted we are outwardly, the more we should spend time with the Lord to absorb His riches and enjoy His provisions. May we redeem this opportunity by drawing closer to Christ, by opening to Him and to His Word, so that we might be infused with Him and be one with Him. Then we can live Him in His all-fitting life with joy and contentment, free from anxiety, fear, and turmoil.

During this time of seclusion in our homes, we should exercise to stay connected to each other, considering one another and inciting one another. All the saints need the supply of the Body. Even though we may be unable to gather physically, we must not forsake our assembling together but rather
meet often with the help of modern technology. Let us reach out to one another to enjoy mutual fellowship and prayer by twos and threes or in small groups. Do not forget to care for the older and weaker ones among us or neglect to shepherd those who are young or needy. As we care for each other
as members in these ways, we will find that our hearts are being enlarged and that we are being knit together in love. In these days the church life ought not to be suspended at all but rather be thriving and growing.

These are days to be sober unto prayers. We should first pray ourselves into God to receive His supply and then, following the inner anointing, stand with the Lord for His interests in intercessory prayer. We can pray for God’s economy to be carried out, for His will to be accomplished, for Christ to administrate the world situation, for those in authority to have wisdom, for people to be saved, for the lukewarm to turn back to God, for all the saints’ spiritual life to be uplifted and their material needs to be met, and
for the recovery to prosper. If we devote adequate time to petition and supplication, this list is endless. Moreover, we should realize that behind this tumultuous outward environment, there is a spiritual war taking place in the heavenlies in which Satan is trying to frustrate God’s move and wear down His saints. As the Body of Christ, let us put on the whole armor of God to stand and withstand, that the enemy would be bound and defeated.

Our Savior God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth. These days we should be full of burden for the unsaved around us. While we have Christ as our shelter in times of trials, the unbelievers who do not know Christ have no such refuge and easily become distressed and
gripped by fear and despair. They desperately need to hear the gospel of peace and receive the God who is peace. Now is an opportune time for a fresh spread of the gospel to our relatives, friends, neighbors, and colleagues. In season and out of season, we should rise up and preach the Word, boldly testifying of Christ and the great salvation we have in Him.

We are a people with a great hope, a hope that is not in this age or in the things of this age. Our hope is in our dear Lord Jesus and in His coming back. We seek to hasten His return because we love His appearing. Thus, we cooperate with His transforming work in us to be prepared as His Bride, we co-labor
with Him to carry out His divine enterprise in the midst of this satanic chaos, and we watch and pray for His coming back. This worldwide calamity is part of the birth pangs that anticipate greater tribulation at the end of this age. Now is the time for us believers to awake from our sleep and to heed the prophetic
word of the Scriptures as a lamp that guides us to the dawning of the day when the King returns.

Dear saints, this is not a time to shrink back but to come forward. We are assured in the Lord that after passing through the current upheaval with endurance, the Lord’s recovery will emerge stronger and more prevailing than ever. Even in the midst of the present environment, the Lord has afforded us a
marvelous way to advance with Him, particularly through our practice of the God-ordained way in the home-based and vital group church life assisted by technology. History tells us that when the church undergoes suffering and persecution, Christ has a way to advance His move even more. Let us be
energized by His inward operation to sail on!

The God of all grace, He who has called us into His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself perfect, establish, strengthen, and ground you. To Him be the glory and the might forever and ever. Amen.
— 1 Peter 5:10-11

Our love in Christ Jesus be with you all,
The co-workers in the Lord’s recovery